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Continuing, Exploring and Expanding the Language Horizon
Hope you had a great session at Arabic Partner. Let's continue the experience and swiftly learn more. This Chapter will give a few revision of things you already learned and help you continue the journey.
Learn Arabic for your Dental Practice
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Days of a Week ايام في الاسبوع Ayyam Fil Osboo
Sunday يوم الاحد Youm el Ahad
Monday يوم الاثنين Youm el Ithnain
Tuesday يوم الثلثاء / يوم الثلوث Youm el Thulatha/ Yaum el Thalooth
Wednesday يوم الاربعاء Youm el Arbia
Thursday يوم الخميس Youm el Khamees
Friday يوم الجمعة Youm el Jumua
Saturday يوم السبت Youm el Sabth
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