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Guide 🧭




D1 Circles is a project from One Dentistry. We are aiming to create a unified experience as a platform for Career Expansion for Dentists with multitude of possibilities.

The Basic Structure of the Platform includes a


Your User Profile is everything you are in the Community. It has many tabs that segregates all your activities within the Community. Check them out at your convenience as you explore more and more of the Platform.

Creds and Reps

CREDS are Credit Points that are received as rewards for Contributions to the Community like posting Articles/Vacancies or getting responses for your Content or Inviting Users to the Platform and many similar ways. CREDS can be redeemed in the Store section as discounts.

REPS are Reputation Points that are received as a goodwill gesture for being Active on the Platform like Daily Visits, Liking and Commenting posts by others, sharing thoughts in Groups etc. REPS can be used to earn RANKS to increase our reputation. Higher Ranks can unlock abilities like Group Admin Privileges and many more.

There are also Badges to achieve, Quests to explore and Leagues to attain.

You can review many ways to achieve them in the EARN section above. Also check out the Rewards section to see your status.


D1 Circles ❤️ wall – displays all recent relevant activities in the Platform based on Users subscriptions. Users can Like and Comment on theses activities.

Groups 👥 – We recommend Users to join relevant Groups to get regular updates in the Recent Activity page. Users are encouraged to share relevant Content in the specific Groups according to the Group Topic.

Text Markdown – These simple formatting options can help you make your text more visually appealing and easier to understand on your Community Posts!

  • Headers: To make a header, just add a space after the pound sign (#), then write your header text. The more pound signs you add, the smaller the header becomes. For example:
    • # Your Header for a large header
    • ## Your Header for a medium header
    • ### Your Header for a small header
  • Bold Text: Surround the text you want to make bold with double asterisks (**). For example: **Bold Text**.
  • Italic Text: Surround the text you want to make italic with single asterisks (*). For example: *Italic Text*.
  • Inline Code: Enclose the text you want to display as code within backticks (`). For example: `inline code`.
  • Strikethrough: If you want to strike through text, surround it with double tildes (~~). For example: ~~strikethrough~~.
  • Links: To create a link, put the text you want to display in square brackets , followed by the URL in parentheses (). Make sure there are no spaces in between both type of brackets. For example: [Link Text](https://d1circles.com).


This section hosts our Articles, Podcasts and Video posts. We have an AuthorHub section too for Users to submit their Articles on the Platform.

How to Submit an Article or Clinical Case

Submitting a new Article/Case on D1Circles is a fairly easy task. Click on Add New button and fill up the Author-form. Few things to keep in mind:

  • Click “Add New”: Start by clicking on the “Add New” button to begin submitting your content.
  • Create a Catchy Title: Prepare an attractive title for your content so that others click on it and read it. You can use ChatGPT for additional help. ChatGPT can also help with formatting your article in professional or interesting tone.
  • Prepare a good Title Image/Featured Image: You can use free tools like Canva or Adobe Express to create an eye-catching featured image for your article.
  • Select a Category: Choose whether your content is a Case File, Article, or Podcast.
    Case File : Your Cases | Article : Written Content | Podcast : Audio Content
  • Add Tags (Optional): Tags can help improve your content’s visibility on search engines like Google, Bing etc.
  • Write a Brief Excerpt: Give readers a quick overview of what your article is about. ChatGPT can help you create a concise excerpt.
  • Finally, the Content!
    In the Content Area, you can start typing up your Article. Format it with the tools available there. Add Images in between paragraphs too by placing the cursor where you want the image and then using the Insert Photo button.
  • Add URL (if applicable): If you have a podcast or YouTube video related to your content, you can add the link here.
  • Lastly, Agree to Terms and Conditions: Make sure to read and agree to the terms and conditions of author submissions.

That’s it! Once you’ve completed these steps, you can submit your content for review and publication on D1Circles.


Our Academy section hosts various Courses from Tutors of our Community. This section also has Study Groups catered specifically for the Students.


Jobs, Events and Classifieds shared to Us are posted in this section. Users can post them directly also. We recommend the Featured Listings to help support our Platform continued Support and Development.

The process to submit these Listings is very straightforward.

  • Click on the Add New button
  • Fill necessary details
  • Add your contact details
  • Add logo if required
  • Submit


Books, Merchandises and Products are available here specially curated for the Dental Community. Your purchases of Merchandises will directly help the platform attain its future goals faster.


Get upto 20% commission on purchases you referred from our site.
Make sure to use the referral links in your Rewards section.
Each referred visitor is tagged under you for 14 days and any purchase they make during that period is commissioned to you.

(Commision rates may vary based on season, product and offers.)

How to get Referral Links:

  1. Visit the product you want to refer your clients to and copy the link.
    For Products, Visit the Showcase page under Store section and select the Product you want to promote. Copy the link from the Share buttons.
    For Courses, Visit the Courses page under Academy section and select the Course you want to promote. Copy the link from the Share buttons.
  2. Visit the Rewards page > EARN Section > My Referrals > Dashboard.
  3. Go to the Affiliate Links🔗 section
  4. Paste the Link you copied in the Generate Affiliate Link box and click Generate.

Thats it. Copy & Share this link with your clients.

Let’s Look at the Achievements you can earn here:



New Members!

Rising Star
1 Requirement
  • Reach 5000 Reps
Advanced Enthusiast
1 Requirement
  • Reach 10000 Reps
Community Expert
1 Requirement
  • Reach 20000 Reps
Quest Champion
1 Requirement
  • Reach 35000 Reps
Elite Trailblazer
1 Requirement
  • Reach 50000 Reps
Master Influencer
1 Requirement
  • Reach 75000 Reps
Legendary Maven
1 Requirement
  • Reach 100000 Reps
Supreme Ambassador
1 Requirement
  • Reach 125000 Reps
Grand Maestro
1 Requirement
  • Reach 150000 Reps

Badges to Earn

Universe Explorer

250 Creds

🚀 Universe Explorer Badge Unveiled! Grab 250 Creds and Explore the Cosmos of D1 Circles! 🌌

Greetings, D1 Circles Cosmic Trailblazers! 🌐 Get ready to embark on an interstellar journey through our community, because the Universe Explorer Badge has just landed, and the rewards are out of this world! 🌠

Step 1: Visit the Website 10 Times
Visit D1 Circles like you’re on a mission to explore new galaxies! Pop in 10 times, and witness the wonders our community has to offer.

Step 2: Visit Author Hub page
Strap on your funniest space helmet and zip over to the Author Hub page, where you can join the literary league of the D1 Circles universe. It’s like a moonwalk for your imagination! Ready to pen stories that are out of this world? Beam up your ideas, and let’s create cosmic chronicles that’ll make even aliens chuckle. 🌌🖋️😄

Step 3: Write an Activity Post 1 Time
Share your cosmic insights, dental expertise, or simply say ‘hello’ to fellow explorers with an activity post. Let your voice be heard across the vast expanse of D1 Circles!

Step 4: Like Any Activity Posts 10 Times
Spread the love like stardust! Like 10 activity posts from your fellow explorers and let them know their content is shining as bright as a distant supernova.

Step 5: Daily Visit Any Posts 5 Times
Make daily visits to posts like a dedicated astronaut checking their instruments. Stay engaged, explore new discussions, and become a true fixture in our digital universe.

Step 6: Unlock “Starter League” Achievement
You’re not just an explorer; you’re a league champion! Unlock the “Starter League” Achievement to showcase your commitment to leveling up.

Step 7: Unlock “Newbie’s Journey” Quest
Embark on the Newbie’s Journey! It’s not just a quest; it’s a cosmic adventure tailored for our newest digital pioneers.

Step 8: Unlock “Beginner Scribbles” Badge
Show off your creativity! Unlock the “Beginner Scribbles” Badge and let everyone know that you’re not just exploring; you’re leaving your mark on the D1 Circles canvas.

Reward: 250 Creds
Congratulations, Universe Explorer! By completing these cosmic steps, you’ve earned yourself a staggering 250 Creds. Use them wisely to customize your digital spacesuit, unlock exclusive content, and truly become a legend in our ever-expanding community.

So, gear up, space cadets! Dive into the Universe Explorer Badge challenge and let the exploration begin! 🚀🌌

8 Steps

Beginner Scribbles

100 Creds

🎨 Beginner Scribbles Badge Unleashed! Write, Comment, and Earn 100 Creds in the Art of Dental Discourse! 📝✨

Hey D1 Circles Wordsmiths! 🌐 The time has come to wield your pens like dental instruments because the Beginner Scribbles Badge is here, and it’s all about showcasing your literary prowess in the realm of dentistry! 🦷📖

Step 1: Publish an Article
Become the maestro of dental narratives! Share your insights on dentistry’s career opportunities, clinical cases, experiences, interview prep advice, or exam guides. Craft an article that leaves our community in awe and itching for more knowledge.

Step 2: Get 10 visitors on one of your Articles
As you embark on this literary journey, aim to captivate the attention of at least 10 visitors on one of your published articles. Your words have the power to not only impart valuable insights into the realm of dentistry but also to spark interest and engagement within the D1 Circles community. As the readership grows, so does your influence, and with each visitor, you inch closer to earning the coveted 100 Creds reward. So, weave your narrative, draw in your audience, and let the magic of your dental discourse unfold!

Reward: 100 Creds
By completing these literary feats, you’ll earn yourself a sweet 100 Creds. Consider it a token of appreciation for enriching our community with your dental insights and storytelling finesse.

This isn’t just a badge; it’s a celebration of the art of words in the dental cosmos. So, grab your quill (or keyboard) and let the Beginner Scribbles Badge quest begin! 📝🌟

2 Steps
  • Publish an Article
  • Get 10 visitors on one of your Articles

Quests to Explore

Newbie’s Journey

500 Reps

🎉 Embark on the Newbie’s Journey Quest and Score 500 Reps! 🚀

Greetings, D1 Circles Explorers! 🌐 Ready to dive into the exciting world of quests and rewards? We’ve got a special adventure tailored just for you – the Newbie’s Journey! 🌟

Step 1: First Profile Avatar
Set the stage by picking a profile avatar that truly represents your unique digital persona! Whether it’s a dazzling smile or a quirky dental-themed avatar, let your personality shine.

Step 2: New Cover Image
Spruce up your profile with a brand new cover image! It’s like adding a touch of flair to your dental clinic’s waiting room – make it inviting and uniquely you.

Step 3: Write an Activity Post
Share your dental expertise, a funny patient story, or simply introduce yourself to the D1 Circles community. Engage with fellow members and let the conversations begin!

Step 4: React to an Activity Post
Spread the love! React to a fellow explorer’s activity post. Whether it’s a thumbs up, a high-five, or a dental-themed emoji, show appreciation for the awesome content in our community.

Step 5: Visit Rewards Section
Head to the Rewards Section to claim your well-deserved rewards! It’s like finding a hidden treasure chest filled with virtual goodies. 🎁

Step 6: Visit the Guide Section
Navigate through the Guide Section to discover more tips and tricks for mastering the art of D1 Circles. From community guidelines to advanced posting techniques, become a true digital pioneer!

So, what are you waiting for? Gear up, embark on your Newbie’s Journey, and let the quest for 500 Reps begin! May your dental expertise shine as bright as your newly adorned profile. Happy exploring! 🌈✨

6 Steps

UNO Return

100 Reps

🃏 UNO Return Quest – Stack Up 100 Reps! 🚀

Hey D1 Circles Trailblazers! 🌐 Get ready for the ultimate challenge – the UNO Return Quest is here, and it’s time to turn up the fun! 🎉

Step 1: Visit and Return for 7 Days Consecutively
Just like playing those UNO cards in sequence, make sure to visit our community website for seven days straight! It’s the perfect excuse to take a break from your dental adventures and immerse yourself in the vibrant world of D1 Circles.

Reward: 100 Reps
Why, you ask? Because we believe in rewarding your loyalty and dedication. Claim your well-deserved 100 Reps after completing the quest, and watch your virtual reputation soar higher than a card tossed into the UNO pile!

This isn’t just a quest; it’s a challenge to see if you can stack those daily visits like a pro. Plus, who knows what exciting community updates and discussions you might stumble upon during your week-long UNO Return Quest?

So, shuffle your digital cards, put on your game face, and let the quest for 100 Reps begin! Remember, in the world of D1 Circles, everyone’s a winner! 🌈🃏

Leagues to Reach

Starter League

100 Reps

🚀 Starter League Achievement! Score 100 Reps and Level Up! 🌟

Hey D1 Circles Pioneers! 🌐 Ready to kick off your journey in style? Buckle up because the Starter League Achievement is here, and the rewards are as dazzling as a polished set of pearly whites! 😁

Step 1: Get 4 Reactions on an Activity Post
It’s time to shine in the spotlight! Post something spectacular – whether it’s a dental pro tip, a funny anecdote, or a dazzling smile photo – and gather at least 4 reactions from your fellow community members. The more, the merrier!

Step 2: Earn 10 Creds
Credits make the digital world go ’round! Engage, contribute, and rack up 10 Creds to showcase your active involvement in D1 Circles. It’s like earning gold stars, but way cooler!

Step 3: Spend 25 Creds
Splash those hard-earned Creds on something awesome! Whether it’s verifying your profile, unlocking exclusive content, or shopping while exploring – spend 25 Creds to make your mark on the community.

Reward: 100 Reps
Congratulations, Explorer Extraordinaire! By completing the Starter League Achievement, you’ve earned yourself a whopping 100 Reps. Watch as your reputation skyrockets, and fellow members admire your commitment to leveling up in D1 Circles.

This isn’t just an achievement; it’s a declaration to the community that you’re here to make waves and have a blast while doing it! So, dive into the Starter League, accomplish those steps, and let the Reps roll in like confetti at a victory celebration! 🎉💫

3 Steps
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Join the Exclusive Dentists' Community! Expand your network and get to know new doctors!