What is the meaning of RCT?
- Root= Just like the trees have their roots, a tooth also has its roots attached to the bone.These roots help to hold the tooth in its place.
2. Canal= A root consists of canals from where the treatment is started and is continued.
3. Treatment= We all know what is treatment, so I think I should now discuss further regarding RCT.
Root Canal Treatment/Therapy(RCT) can be defined as a dental treatment for removing infection(infected pulp) from inside a tooth.The best thing is that it can also protect the tooth from future infections.
What is the correct time to undergo this treatment.
Lets see:
- Prolonged sensitivity/pain on taking hot or cold drinks/meals and does not get relieved even after you stop taking it.
- Severe toothache/pain upon chewing something.
- Discoloration/blackening of the tooth.
- Swelling and tenderness in the nearby gums.
What happens when you delay your RCT treatment?
1.The infection continues to grow like a fire.
2.Bacteria from the infected tooth pulp can reach into the tissue of the gums and jaw.
3.This infection later can turn into pus-filled abscess.
4.In extreme cases, it may put you at risk for more serious conditions like heart diseases and stroke.
Who should not undergo this treatment?
1.Cardiovascular diseased patients.
2.Hypertensive patients.
3.Myocardial infarction(MI) patients.
4.Asthma patients.
5.Diabetic patients.
**If you are suffering from any of these problems as mentioned above, then first of all try to eliminate them before you undergo the RCT treatment.For example= if you are a diabetic patient, try to balance your diabetes and then you can always prefer for any kind of dental treatment otherwise your gums will bleed continuously during the treatment.
Now let’s have a look on the procedure of RCT
I am explaining the procedure, because being a patient even you have got all the rights to know the details about RCT. So, with the help of following images I hope you will be able to understand this treatment more easily.
Frequently Asked Questions by most patients
1.How many sittings/appointments are needed for a root canal?
>>Root canal treatment may take place in one sitting, but sometimes 2 or 3 appointments are needed and this generally depends on the severity of infection of the tooth.Each sitting may last between 30-90 minutes.
2.Is the procedure painful?
>>During the procedure you may feel a bit of pain and this is normal, otherwise its not a painful procedure because a local anesthesia is injected to numb the area and prevent teeth pain during the procedure.Sometimes your anxiety and fear becomes the reason of pain.
3.Should I brush my teeth after root canal?
>>Yes, you can brush and floss, treated tooth gently, but avoid flossing if the temporary filling was placed in the space between teeth.
**Dental floss is a cord of thin filaments & flossing is a procedure used to remove food debris and dental plaque from between teeth in areas a toothbrush is unable to reach.
4.What should I eat after root canal?
+Avoid chewing crunch or hard food after the treatment.
+Do not eat or drink for atleast one hour after the root canal.
+Limit your diet to soft foods.
+Have soft fruits like banana, mango, dairy products like yoghurt, milk, milkshakes, icecream, soft proteins like eggs, tofu fish, etc.
+Avoid eating sticky foods.
5.What is the cost of RCT in India?
>>Cost of RCT= Rs.2000.Approx.
>>Price of crown or cap= Rs(3000-4500).Approx.
Precautions to be taken after a root canal process:
1.Take pain relievers/killers if you feel pain.
2.Take antibiotics time to time as prescribed by your dentist.
3.If you are a smoker, then quit smoking.
4.Eat only after the numbness in your mouth wears off, otherwise you will bite/hurt your cheek or tongue.
5.Maintain oral hygiene by brushing & flossing daily.
6.After your root canal and any follow-up appointments are completed, then you have to visit your dentist once again for a final crown(cap) to fully restore the teeth.
7.Remember, if you experience pain or swelling in the future then be sure to return to your dentist.
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