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A Simple Root Canal Case and a Happy Patient

Case File: Patient Visit Details

Patient Name: Censored
Age: 35
Date of Visit: 2022/06/27

Case Description: Patient visited our clinic with complaints of constant lingering pain in his molar following a recent restoration performed at another clinic. He reported experiencing discomfort while chewing and sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures.

Diagnosis: After a thorough examination and diagnostic tests, Patient was diagnosed with irreversible pulpitis. This condition occurs when the dental pulp, the innermost part of the tooth, becomes inflamed and unable to heal itself.

Treatment Plan: To alleviate patient’s pain and preserve his tooth, a root canal treatment has been recommended. This procedure involves removing the infected or damaged pulp, cleaning and disinfecting the root canal, and then filling and sealing it to prevent further infection.

Check out detailed Case File in the URL below

Author: Faiz MT
Founder - One Dentistry

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Azlan Raza avatar
@peepso_user_449(Azlan Raza)
Neatly done. Loved the presentation. I don't get time to document my cases. Most patients may not cooperate also.
11 months ago
Archie S. avatar
@peepso_user_451(Archie S.)
It would have been better to share the photos also here instead of the link 🔗. My personal view.
11 months ago
Ishara Zia avatar
@peepso_user_361(Ishara Zia)
If more Doctors share cases, it would help fleshers like me. This one is nice. Thanks for sharing @peepso_user_4(Faiz MT)
11 months ago