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I want to quit dentistry because I failed.!

I want to quit dentistry because I failed.
I failed to save my patient’s tooth, I failed to meet my supervisor’s expectations, and I failed to cope with the stress and pressure of the profession.

I feel like a fraud, a failure, a disappointment.

These are the questions and thoughts I was getting many years ago and even now sometime.

I always wanted to be a very successful dentist. I loved the idea of helping people smile, of making a difference in their lives. I worked hard to get into dental school, to pass the exams, to get the clinical experience. I thought I was ready for the real world, for the challenges and rewards of being a dentist.

But I was wrong. The real world is harsh, unforgiving, relentless.

Every day, I face patients who are in pain, who are afraid, who are unhappy with their teeth.
Every day, I have to deal with the demands of my supervisor, who is never satisfied, who always criticizes, who always expects more.
Every day, I have to deal with the risks of infection, injury, litigation, and malpractice.
Every day, I have to deal with my own doubts, fears, and insecurities.

I want to quit dentistry because I failed. But maybe, just maybe, I can try again.

I want to quit dentistry because I failed. But I won’t. I won’t give up on my dream, on my career, on my life. I will try again, I will work harder, and I will do better. I will be a dentist, I will be myself, and I will be happy.


Repost : https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7164872267305345025/
Written by : Dr Suman Bohra

    Author: Shadow Engineer Verified

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