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Unconventional Dental Advertising/Marketing – New Modes in the Modern Times


This article presents a video of a lecture at AEEDC 2019 entitled “Unconventional Dental Advertising/Marketing By Dr. Mohsen Al Ozaibi” which provides a nice alternate thought from our usual modus operandi when it comes to advertisements.

Important take-aways from the lecture about Dental Marketing

  • No single method of marketing works for all
  • Increase your Trust score with the Patients
  • Never sell your services, instead educate all the possible treatments
  • Work towards patient satisfaction
  • Make notes on the patients personal details to make stronger connection with them
  • Brand yourself
  • Use custom domain for emails on Business cards
  • Have a website with blog for the clinic
  • Have Brand social profiles in major platforms
  • High quality content directed at Patients and maintain it professionals
  • Avoid personal images and videos
  • Get your patients to review your clinic on Google Reviews
  • Train your staff to be professional and compassionate with the patient
  • Keep a unit for marketing works instead of handling it directly
  • Make the whole team work in sync from reception to the clinic chair and backwards. Make sure the patient feels comfortable and pleasant
  • Keep the environment perfumed
  • Provide ad supported free WiFi
  • Optimise your website with CTAs, SEO etc
  • Utilise Google Adverts to direct patients in your Area to your Clinic
  • Use a CRM to manage patients

This session was really insightful, packed with information and watch it again to grab more information.

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Author: Faiz MT
Founder - One Dentistry

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