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The new life begins with a confident smile

New beginnings are never easy. They pose their own challenges and it takes a while before we get accustomed to the daily routine. And that was the same condition we faced stepping into our clinical postings upon entering the 3rd year.

Preclinical to clinical work was a huge leap. Preclinical work gave us the technical know-how of how to make complete dentures, making cavities and the fabrication of orthodontic appliances all under ideal circumstances. In clinics, however the scenario all together was different where the patient’s emotional factors and their cooperation came into the main play followed by salivation, sensitivity, gag reflexes and umpteen number of patient associated challenges.

In order to metamorphosize ourselves as efficient and able clinicians, the comprehensive system of clinics was introduced with our coming into the 3rd year. The comprehensive system also aims at increasing the patient inflow which expands our experience spectra by a large margin, enabling us to proficiently handle different types of cases. This system also had its challenges; and as the days passed by, we eventually got seasoned to the new system.

Walking into the clinic initially, was a fear inducing aspect, because meeting patients for the first time, fearing that whether I can fulfil their need or not, all those made it feel uncomfortable. My heart skipped a beat when the names were called out and cases were allotted. I was the last one to take up the case. The first case allotted to me was a 68-year-old female patient who had come with the requirement of acquiring her lost smile with the help of a complete denture. She was a chubby, old, sweet lady who walked into the clinic with her lost smile, and took her seat, she was a bit uncomfortable in the chair as she found it difficult to fit into the dental chair. She said me that her old denture was washed away during the flood that struck Kerala last year. Her voice got shattered in silence, with the emotions that she held tightly within herself came out with tears ,she said to me “Doctor, my husband always wanted me to smile ,because he likes my teeth and smile, but when I lost my teeth ,he really wanted me to use complete denture that can reconstruct my smile .When the heavy flood struck Kerala, I was also a person who lost many things and the most important thing that flood took away was my denture, so doctor ,please return my smile back” .I had not completely geared myself for a Prosthodontic case right away, but neither could I let the patient down. She had complete faith in me. The first step was alright, but the real predicament came during secondary impression which took almost a day for me to complete, considering it was my first time. My confidence was slowly beginning to shatter, I noticed her confidence in me fading away but my patient said that she understood the difficulty of making the prosthesis, and that she would be willing to cooperate to her best and that’s when I regained confidence. I rediscovered the faith I had lost in myself and put in the best of my efforts. The outstanding panel of faculty who guides us in our work were also pillars of support. With all hard work and determination, I completed my teeth setting. My patient was impressed during try-in and she even asked me that, can she take that denture which is made out in wax, and on the final day of the denture delivery she was joyous to have re-found her lost smile and I was proud of myself for having successfully completed the case, and most importantly for having given my patients smile back again. That was indeed a moment of true pride for me.

Leaving the clinic after the final appointment, she said to me, “doctor only dentist can reconstruct or recreate smile on people and it is greatest blessing that a dentist is blessed with” .Actually she was the person who made me realise the value of a dentist in creating smile in patients, and that’s when I realised the aim of a dentist and the duty of a doctor, because I was a person who opted for Mbbs and disliked dentistry but fate made me a dentist and now I salute this profession, because I now believe that smile can change the world because it’s the language of kindness.
Remember, your smile may be the brightest part of someone’s day, so make your smile, your signature accessory.
Thank you.

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    Author: Sherin
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