In dentistry, learning to recognize our limits and select cases wisely is crucial. As we grow in our careers, understanding when to refer patients to specialists and tailoring treatments to individual needs enhances patient care and fosters trust. By prioritizing patient well-being over ego, we pave the way for successful outcomes and lasting relationships.
Radiation Revolution: Farewell to Lead Vests in Dental X-Rays
This mini article provides a concise overview of the recent changes in dental x-ray practices and the reasons behind them, emphasizing the importance of informed patient care and the role of evolving technology in enhancing safety.
Dentistry Updates! E04 – The Role of Telehealth in Modern Dentistry
Let’s start with a brief summary of recent news in the field of dentistry: New Method to Test for Oral Cancer: Researchers have discovered a noninvasive, low-cost test to detect oral cancer, monitor precancerous lesions, and determine when a biopsy is necessary1. Low-Cost Liquid Tames Tooth Decay: An inexpensive cavity-fighting liquid called silver diamine fluoride (SDF) works... Read more
A Simple Root Canal Case and a Happy Patient
Case Description: Constant lingering pain in the Molar after a recent restoration from another clinic.
Diagnosis: Irreversible Pulpitis
Treatment Plan: Root Canal
Dentistry Updates! E03 – Oral Health and Overall Well-Being: The Mouth-Body Connection
Let’s start with a brief summary of recent news in the field of dentistry: Unleashing the Power of Being: Stepping Into Your Full Potential: Dr. Maggie Augustyn discusses the importance of embracing our full potential as dental professionals. This empowering perspective encourages dentists to make a positive impact on their patients and communities1. MouthWatch CEO... Read more
Dentistry Updates! E02 – Dentistry’s Technological Revolution: Transforming Patient Trust
Let’s start with a brief summary of recent news in the field of dentistry: Increase in CAO Applications for Dentistry: This year, there has been a notable increase in applications for dentistry, as reported by the Central Applications Office (CAO). However, applications for nursing and medicine have experienced a decline1. Dentistry’s Technological Revolution: Transforming Patient... Read more
Dentistry Updates! E01 – Pioneering Technologies for Enhanced Oral Well-being
Let’s start with a brief summary of recent news in the field of dentistry!
1. Gargling Away Bad Bacteria in Type 2 Diabetes
2. Bad Breath and Bacterial Interactions
3. Bacteria in the Mouth and Pulmonary Fibrosis Survival
I want to quit dentistry because I failed.!
I want to quit dentistry because I failed.
I failed to save my patient’s tooth, I failed to meet my supervisor’s expectations, and I failed to cope with the stress and pressure of the profession.
I feel like a fraud, a failure, a disappointment.
These are the questions and thoughts I was getting many years ago and even now sometime.
Navigating Profit-Share Job Offers in Dubai: Crafting a Strategic Counteroffer
Navigating challenging job offers in Dubai’s dental sector, a dentist faced a profit-sharing deal with no fixed salary and additional burdensome expenses. Together, we crafted a strategic counteroffer addressing financial concerns and setting the stage for a mutually beneficial collaboration. This sample letter does not serve as a guide for professionals seeking equitable terms in Dubai’s competitive dental job market, but may provide insights for navigating such negotiations effectively.